Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Early Release/Early Dismissal days for the 2018-2019 school year. 

During the year, students will leave school early, so the teachers can have meetings and learn LOTS of new things! These days are called Early Release (students go home at 1:40 pm), and Early Dismissal (Half Days/Students go home at 11:50 am). 

 Tomorrow (09/19) is our 1st Early Release Day of the year. 

  • On Early Release Days students will leave school at 1:40 pm. 
  • On Early Dismissal Days (Half Days) students will leave school at 11:50 am.
  •  Lunch will NOT be served on Early Dismissal Days (Half Days). 

Date: Time Students Leave School 

Wednesday: September 19th (9/19/17): 1:40 pm

Friday: October 19th (10/19/18) 11:50 am

Wednesday: November 7th (11/7/18) 1:40 pm

Wednesday: December 5th (12/5/18) 1:40 pm 

Friday, December 21st (12/21/18)

Wednesday :January 16th (01/16/19): 1:40 pm

Wednesday: February 6th (02/06/19) 1:40 pm 

Thursday: March 7th (03/07/19): 11:50 am

Wednesday: April 3rd (04/03/19) 1:40 pm 

Wednesday: May 22nd (05/22/19) 11:50 am 

Please email me with any questions. Please let us know if your child is doing something different on these dates. Thank you!!! 

Monday, September 3, 2018

Kennerly Intake Conferences
 Parent Teacher Conferences will be Wednesday, September 5th, and Thursday, September 13th. These conferences are different than our previous conferences, in that YOU(the parents/guardians) will be doing the most talking. This conference gives you a chance to meet with the teachers to talk about your child. Mrs. Griffin and I made a video to help learn more about Intake Conferences. ******Remember, conferences are only 15 minutes long, so PLEASE please, try to be on time! Thanks!! 

Click here for a movie on : Tips for Intake Conferences 

Sign UP Genius:
Teachers will be sending out a link to the Website Sign Up Genius. Also, Dr. Morgan sent out the links in his weekly email. Click Here to see ALL the teacher links for their Sign UPs. 

Kennerly teachers use Sign UP Genius to help schedule and organize their conferences. Please use Sign up Genius to sign up for one conference. Not sure how to do Sign UP Genius? Watch the video below to learn more. 

Click here for a movie on: How To Use Sign UP Genius  

Conference Conversation Starters:( Use these questions to guide your conference.)

  • What are your goals for your child this year?
  • What specific concerns do you have about your child's academic progress or behavior?
  • What general questions do you have about classroom curriculum, standards, evaluation techniques, or procedures?
  • What questions or concerns does your child have about school? (Complete this section with your child.)
  • Does your child have any health problems that might affect his or her behavior or academic progress?
  • Is your child dealing with any personal or family issues that might affect his or her behavior or academic progress?
  • What do you want the teacher to know about your child?

My goals is to attend as many conferences as possible! Please feel free to let me know if you want to meet with me! Remember: MY JOB is to HELP YOU!!!