Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Plants and Plants for 3rd Grade

We have been learning all about plants in third grade. We researched all about plants in books and You Tube Movies. 

We thought bees are important to plants, but we wanted to know WHY?

We wondered why bees are important to plants and plants are important to bees? 

We investigated this question by watching YouTube videos to learn new information. 

We learned bees depend on plants, and plants depend on bees. Bees help to make many seeds with pollination. 

We knew there were different parts of a plant so we wanted to know more. 
We studied the different parts of a plant. We learned how each part helps the plant live and survive. We dissected flowers to help us see these parts.

 Plant Presentations
All of our plant research was finished and we needed to put our research into a presentation. We used Google Slides to show what we learned. Then, we used Screen-Cast-O-Matic to record our presentations. We emailed you a private link, so you can watch your child's video.

 What fun! Next up, Government!! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Kindergarten Writers

Look at our Kindergarten Writers! They are growing as writers! They are learning how to use shapes to help with their drawings and pictures. What fun! We use Bendaroos to help us create pictures. Bendaroos are bendable colored sticks. Look at our cool pictures!! 

How to Help at Home:

•Let your child draw any picture they      
•Ask them to tell you about their picture.
   •What are the people saying? 
   •What are the people doing? 
•Draw with your child.
•If they are having trouble thinking of an 
  idea, talk about some things you did   
  together, to help them think of ideas. 
•For now in Kindergarten, pictures are 
  just fine! We will work on words later.