Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Kindergarten List Making

This week we talked about making lists in Kindergarten. Making a list is a good way to help Kindergartners particle writing.

Here is a list we made about the foods we eat.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Plants and Plants for 3rd Grade

We have been learning all about plants in third grade. We researched all about plants in books and You Tube Movies. 

We thought bees are important to plants, but we wanted to know WHY?

We wondered why bees are important to plants and plants are important to bees? 

We investigated this question by watching YouTube videos to learn new information. 

We learned bees depend on plants, and plants depend on bees. Bees help to make many seeds with pollination. 

We knew there were different parts of a plant so we wanted to know more. 
We studied the different parts of a plant. We learned how each part helps the plant live and survive. We dissected flowers to help us see these parts.

 Plant Presentations
All of our plant research was finished and we needed to put our research into a presentation. We used Google Slides to show what we learned. Then, we used Screen-Cast-O-Matic to record our presentations. We emailed you a private link, so you can watch your child's video.

 What fun! Next up, Government!! 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Kindergarten Writers

Look at our Kindergarten Writers! They are growing as writers! They are learning how to use shapes to help with their drawings and pictures. What fun! We use Bendaroos to help us create pictures. Bendaroos are bendable colored sticks. Look at our cool pictures!! 

How to Help at Home:

•Let your child draw any picture they      
•Ask them to tell you about their picture.
   •What are the people saying? 
   •What are the people doing? 
•Draw with your child.
•If they are having trouble thinking of an 
  idea, talk about some things you did   
  together, to help them think of ideas. 
•For now in Kindergarten, pictures are 
  just fine! We will work on words later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

First Day of School Tomorrow, August 18th!! 

School Starts at 8:45am.
Students can come into the school at 8:30am.

See everyone tomorrow!!! 

Monday, April 25, 2016

K Opinion Writing: I Like to.....


We talked about toys you can play with outside. We learned about bikes, balls, and other outside toys. We decided to try Hula Hooping so we would know why or why not we like it. 

The students were SO good at doing Hula Hoops! They used many words to explain their opinion of hula hoops. We used the words: fast, round and round, circular, and amazing to express our opinions. 

What fun! 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Prefixes Are Important

We are learning about ways to read and understand new words. Prefixes are what is added before, or in front, of a word to CHANGE the meaning of the word. 

We listened to a Flocabulary Video to learn about Prefixes.

Then, we REviewed (we reviewed again). 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

How To Make a Volcano Erupt

To help us learn To write How To's we did a science experiment! We made a volcano erupt. We talked and wrote about every step. We learned new vocabulary words. 

Together, we rolled out Playdough to make our volcano. 

Next, we poured vinegar, water, and food coloring into our volcano. 

Then, we predicted what would happen we when added baking soda. We looked at pictures of volcanoes and talked about  the words explode, erupt, and la

"It will come out." 
"It will explode."
"It will erupt." 

Wow! We were so excited! It erupted! 

We wrote about each step. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to Build a Playhouse

First, we worked together to think and talk about how to make an AWESOME playhouse. We talked about each step. We talked about different vocabulary words to help us think and talk about each step. 

Next, we wrote about about how to make a playhouse. We used the vocabulary words we learned to write words, sentences, or phrases. 

Kindergarten How To With Playdough

Today, we had fun playing with play dough! We each made something out of play dough. I made a cat. The kiddos said it was a silly cat! 

Each step we took, we drew pictures to show what we did. We are working to teach someone how to make a dog, flower, scissors, or a cat out of play dough. Tomorrow, we use words to write about our steps. 

Today in Kindergarten ELL, We Synergized

Today, we worked together (synergized) to put together a puzzle. We had to cooperate to finish this puzzle.